Litter of Kittens

Why you should adopt

By adopting an animal from Saving Strays Animal Rescue, you provide a loving and secure home to an animal that is in desperate need of shelter and a family. You offer them a fresh start and the opportunity to experience love and care. Adopting helps combat the issue of pet overpopulation and reduces the strain on overcrowded facilities such as SSAR. By choosing adoption, you actively contribute to breaking this cycle of overpopulation and make a positive impact on animal welfare. Adopting animals from shelters is a responsible and ethical choice as it promotes responsible pet ownership and supports the invaluable work of animal rescue organisations. By choosing adoption, you become an advocate for animal welfare and inspire others to follow suit, creating a more compassionate and caring society.

We need your help

Saving Strays Animal Rescue is currently facing an urgent need for people to adopt the animals in their care. The rescue is reaching full capacity and new animals are constantly in need of help, leaving limited space for the fluffy companions. By adopting from SSAR, you can directly save a life and create room for another animal in need. The dedicated staff, volunteers, and fosterers are doing everything they can to provide love and care, but they need your help. Every adoption makes a huge difference, giving these animals a chance at a better life filled with love and happiness. Please adopt from the rescue and be a hero to an animal in desperate need of a loving home.

Who you will be saving

We have many pets in urgent need of your care, for example, the dynamic duo Pinto and Maestro. These beautiful boys are good pals who love playing and chasing each other before cuddling up to sleep. They are gentle and good-natured and talk to each other making the most charming purring noises. They have not been adopted yet and are in desperate need of a loving, caring family, brothers such as Pinto and Maestro are prime examples of why adoption is such a necessary and beneficial cause.

Left to Right: Pinto and Maestro

How to adopt 

  1. Online form 

To start your process of adopting your new family member a short form must first be filled out, this includes general details such as your name and address. Please use the following links to find the right form for you.

Cat adoption form:

Dog adoption form:

Rabbit adoption form:

2. House check

At Saving Strays Animal Rescue, the welfare of animals is of the utmost importance, this means that when an animal is adopted, we make certain that they are given a loving, caring home. House checks are required to make sure the environment is safe for the animals. For example, it is important that the cats that are taken in do not live near a main road for the safety of the animal. 

Due to these safety concerns, there are some restrictions on who can adopt based on age and location but many of these can be determined on a case-by-case basis, for more information on restrictions please visit the adoption process.

3. Adoption fees 

A fee is required for adoption, however, compared to other organisations such as puppy farms, it still works out cheaper as the fee includes: 

  • 1st and 2nd vaccinations
  • Microchipping to the new owner
  • Neutering
  • Flea treatment for 1 month and worm treatment for 3 months
  •  Free pet insurance for 5 weeks

These features are necessary for the health of your animal and can save you more money in the long run. For more information on fees please refer to the adoption application forms linked previously. 

A big thank you from Saving Strays Animal Rescue!

By adopting, you are benefiting numerous animals such as Pinto and Maestro who desperately need your help. From all of us at Saving Strays Animal Rescue, thank you to our heroes who rescue our pets in need. And to those who are considering adoption, please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask our wonderful volunteers any questions; for more information visit our adoption process, and to start your journey of finding your new family member visit pets for adoption. Don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and loved ones so that we can find our animals in need their forever homes.

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Saving Strays Animal Rescue is a registered Charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity Number 1200632).
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