Edge Hill MA Marketing, Communication, and Branding Students take their future into their own hands by increasing industry knowledge and practical skills as volunteers for Saving Strays Animal Rescue (SSAR). SSAR has recently adopted new volunteers, Edge Hill Marketing Masters’ students, Ayran Haworth, Sam Colson, and William Baker as new marketing executives. The students are advocates for volunteering positions as their roles as Marketing Executives have allowed them to diversify and gain new knowledge from an industry perspective. Their tasks include Social Media Marketing and Management, Communications Planning, E-mail Marketing, Creating and Implementing Press Releases, Search Engine Optimisation Management, and Copywriting. All of which are essential skills for entry applicants for Marketing roles.
The experience-seeking group was informed of the voluntary positions by Marketing Manager for Saving Strays Animal Rescue, Jorden Parton, fellow Edge Hill MA Marketing, Communications, and Branding student. Jorden strongly believes that gaining as much experience as you can outside of your course, will allow you to grow, develop and help you set yourself apart from competing candidates.
“When students graduate or come to the end of their course, there is this fear and anxiety about entering the workplace, which is due to a lack of continuous practice of skills and knowledge and often a lack of confidence in ability. I firmly believe that by volunteering, not only are you helping a worthy cause like Saving Strays Animal Rescue, but you are giving yourself the best chance at gaining an interview or being offered a role. Experience is detrimental to improvement and definitely helps develop professionalism which will help you in the future.”
Jorden Parton, Marketing Manager at Saving Strays Animal Rescue

(Pictured left to right: Sam Colson, Jorden Parton, William Baker, Ayran Hayworth.)
Volunteering is a crucial stepping stone for students to transition from the educational to the practical world. Volunteering Advisers at Edge Hill University highlight why they think gaining experience is important for students.
“Volunteering whilst at Edge Hill University can open the door to new opportunities and inspire students’ future career choices. Volunteering is a great way to gain the skills graduate employers are looking for, whilst building a network of contacts. It helps you connect with others who are making a difference within the community, whilst doing something you enjoy. Volunteering Advisers within Careers are there to support students in sourcing volunteering, and the university recognises the importance of volunteering through the Extra Edge Award, Careers Awards, and Scholarships.”
Helen Rimmer and Lynn Anderton (Volunteering Advisers at Edge Hill University).
Saving Strays Animal Rescue is proud to adopt these students and hope that the experience provides knowledge, passion, and practical skill. To volunteer at Saving Strays Animal Rescue please visit volunteer for us.